Optimize Strength and Conditioning programs are set up as 2, 3, or 4 day/week training programs.

  • The main goal of this program is to set athletes up to be at their peak performance when it's the most important! (During their in-season).

  • Programs are designed to be 3-4 days/ weeks when athletes are in their “Off-season”.

  • When athletes transition into their “in-season” training (2 day's/week) focus will shift into maintenance, injury prevention, and performing at peak level.

  • Each class be related to athletes age, skill level and progress as athlete learns proper technique.

  • Emphasis on lifting technique, explosive power, core training, jumping and landing mechanics. As well as functional movement patterns, injury prevention, sprint technique and explosive power.


$240 Monthly Membership (4x/week): Will cover the athlete for 4 sessions each week for 4 weeks (16 sessions), starting the date they first attend.

$200 Monthly Membership (3x/week): Will cover the athlete for 3 sessions each week for 4 weeks (12 sessions), starting the date they first attend.

$150 Monthly Membership (2x/week): Will cover the athlete for 2 sessions each week for 4 weeks (8 sessions), starting the date they first attend.

For those on monthly auto-payments: your membership will automatically renew after all sessions are used or one month has lapsed from the day your athlete first attends a class, whichever comes first. You are able to cancel your auto-pay membership at any time.

Athlete is allowed to jump classes pending class size to accommodate family schedule. You must sign athlete in to class each day.

  • For example: If your son plays football and baseball and he is primarily in the youth football group but he is unable to attend the football group on Tuesday’s due to other conflicts, he can jump into the youth baseball group that day.

Fall/Winter Sessions:

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